Madam Judit


Ivan Cankar
Gospa Judit
Monodrama, ŠKUC gledališče
Avtorica priredbe in strokovna sodelavka Tatjana Doma
Režiser in scenograf Alen Jelen
Kostumograf Claudi Sovrè
Lektor Martin Vrtačnik
Prevajalka v angleščino Ana Bohte
Lektorica za angleški jezik Arven Sakti Kralj
Gospa Judit Gaja Višnar
Roman, novelo ali satirično povest, kot besedilo Gospa Judit žanrsko označujejo različni literarni zgodovinarji, je Ivan Cankar začel pisati leta 1903, izšla pa je leta 1904 kot odgovor na uničujoče in zavrnilne kritike njegovega romana Hiša Marije Pomočnice, ki je izšel leta 1903. V delu Gospa Judit je Cankar odkrito kritiziral zlagano meščansko družbo in moralo svojega časa ter z Judit vzpostavil nov lik ženske v slovenski literaturi – etično pozitiven ženski lik.
Cankar v vseh svojih delih, tudi v Gospe Judit, prepleta in razvija dva tematska nastavka: hrepenenje in socialnopolitično tematiko. Tokratna odrska priredba se osredotoča na Juditino hrepenenje in njeno iskanje ljubezni, ki sta gonilo celotnega dogajanja. Judit je edinka, ki je odrasla brez materine ljubezni, izhaja iz intelektualnega okolja, njen oče je učitelj, sama je izobražena, starejši mož pa jo vpelje v družbeno elito. Zelo mlada stopi v zakon brez ljubezni, nezvestega moža prezira, do njega čuti gnus. Tako kot pred njo Ema Bovary in Ana Karenina se tudi Judit ne boji pretrgati vezi zlaganega meščanskega zakona, da bi lahko sledila zahtevam srca. Judit hrepeni po čisti ljubezni, išče jo v različnih moških, ki pa niso dovolj močni, da bi ji ljubezen vračali in tako omogočili, da bi prenehala hrepeneti po njej. Judit je v iskanju ljubezni in hrepenenju popolnoma sodobna junakinja, ki ne pristaja na kompromise, polovičarstvo in zlagane odnose. Ne podreja se pričakovanjem in zahtevam družbe, temveč se poda na samotno pot iskanja ljubezenskega ideala, kar jo pripelje do resignacije in razočaranja. Ali je prava, čista ljubezen med dvema človeškima bitjema, upoštevajoč zahteve družbe, sploh mogoča?
Predstavo sta finančno podprla Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije in Mestna občina Ljubljana.

Ivan Cankar
Madam Judit
Monodrama, ŠKUC theater
Adapted by Expert Consultant: Tatjana Doma
Director and Production Designer: Alen Jelen
Costume Designer: Claudi Sovrè
Reader: Martin Vrtačnik
English Translation: Ana Bohte
English Language Consultant: Arven Šakti Kralj
Madam Judit: Gaia Visnar
In 1903, Ivan Cankar started writing his Madam Judit, a novel or a satirical story, as literary historians describe this work. Published in 1904, it was a response to all the destructive and negative criticism of his previous novel The Ward of Our Lady of Mercy, which had been released a year earlier. In Madam Judit, he openly criticized the phoney bourgeois society and the morals of the time, and introduced a new character to Slovenian literature – an ethically positive character.
In all his works, Madam Judit included, Cankar intertwines and develops two thematic aspects: the longing and the socio-political part. This theater adaptation deals mainly with Judit’s longing and her search for love, two powerful drives of the story. Judit, an only child, bereft of motherly love, stems from an intellectual background. As her father is a teacher, she is well-read and is introduced into high society by her ageing husband. Having entered a loveless marriage at a very young age, she despises her unfaithful husband, moreover, she is disgusted by him. Much like Ema Bovary and Anna Karenina before her, Judit is not afraid to sever all the constraints of a sham marriage and follow her heart. Still pining for pure love, she seeks it in many men, but they turn out too weak to be able to reciprocate this love. So, she keeps yearning … In her longing and search for love, Judit is quite a modern character, not submitting to compromise, futile or untrue relationships. She does not bow to the expectations of society, but bravely embarks on the lonely path towards her ideal of love, only to end up in resignation and disappointment. Is real, pure love between two people even possible when all of society’s demands are taken into account?
Financially supported by Ministry of Culture and City of Ljubljana.



About “Gospa Judit” / “Madam Judit” show, opening July 27th, 2024 in Ljubljana, SI.
Read Interview (SI)


“Gospa Judit” / “Madam Judit” show announcement on RTV SI multimedia portal.
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